We have created an extensive Video Library to help guide you through different stages and many processes within your CRM.
These videos provide step by step instructions for the features you are going to use.
We placed an icon on your taskbar on the top right for easy access to the library.
We grouped the videos by categories and related subcategories.
To access a certain video, just simply click on a line and you are ready for viewing.
In order to find a certain video, you can:
1. Click on the category and make your selection from the listing:
2. Click on the tags related to the videos on the top right of the window, (you can scroll down to see all of them) this will filter all the corresponding videos.
– To return, click on the “Back to the list’ button, which will guide you back to your search.
– To clear your search, just press “No tag”, or the ‘X’ icon in the window, that will direct you back to the full gallery. We have also added a brief description next to the videos in parentheses.
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The post CRM tutorials within Web3Box’s Video Library appeared first on Web3Box Software.